When you empower a woman, you empower the whole nation.
The battle with Self-esteem and Self-confidence
90% of women suffer from low self-esteem and self-confidence
During the period we have been in existence (more than 13 years), we have observed that the majority of women who knock on our doors; whether they take part in the programs or not; reach out because of struggles with their self-esteem.
Though the causes of their unhealthy self-esteem vary, it is clear that a woman’s self-esteem is among the first areas affected by a negative experience.
The renewing self-program therefore guides a woman through a process of identifying and realizing thoughts and patterns that keep her stuck; a soul searching mission to help her identify where she could have lost herself, where she could have hurt, helping her spew out all her bitterness, resentment, anger and areas of unforgiveness.
Relationships and personal boundaries struggles
Most women’s struggles are around relationships and personal boundaries.
Women greatly value both personal and professional relationships. The nature of relationships brings about a need for personal boundaries which when crossed, create so much pain and hurt.
The program thus coaches them on how to deal and overcome self-defeating patterns caused by the pain
Inadequate women in leadership roles due to self-doubt
Due to self-doubt, women refrain from taking up leadership roles
There are many barriers to female leadership all around the world and efforts towards eradicating them in order to increase the numbers are making great progress. There is however one barrier which unless tackled by an individual personally, cannot be broken and that is self-doubt. No matter how many leadership positions are created to accommodate women, if they are not confident enough to fill them, we will still be in the same position years to come.
Alabastron consequently equips women with tools and skills on how to live intentionally and significantly in order to overcome self-doubt.