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A Guided Journey of Introspection Has Left Me A Better Person
- Tina Owuor (Marathon season #16)I took the marathon class with a goal to become a better person specifically career wise. I was looking forward to begin the journey because I couldn’t wait for the outcome!! The classes were daily so I had no opportunity to short change myself by procrastinating. I have always had an inspiration of living a life of greatness. This opportunity for me was one that would lead me to this life.
I resolved to show up for my classes fully; physically, emotionally and mentally. Each day I learned a new thing about my life. I also had a sense of self awareness that I would easily point out the behaviors, actions and decisions that made me trip and stuck in life. For once in my life, I looked into the mirror and faced my own demons bravely.
Yes, I must agree, it was challenging. Looking inside myself and addressing some of my most painful experiences in my life!! WOW! That was deep and exposing.
Yes, I must agree, it was challenging. Looking inside myself and address some of my most painful experiences in my life!! WOW! That was deep and exposing.
This journey brought to my attention the many times I have let myself down!! It also dawned on me after all the years that I had lived, I really never knew myself! My real authentic self, I had never met this woman. All my life, I had just perfected what I had believed I should be at the cost of who I really am deep down.
This process has left me a different person. I love the person who I have become. Alabastron has taught me to always introspect. These moments for me have let me embody a mentality and self-esteem that I didn’t have. As opposed to the past, I always feel calm in the midst of adversity and life challenges. Now, I know my worth and I don’t have to wear hide my true self. I have become a phenomenal woman.
Occasionally, I take stock of my entire being. I am able to let attention inward so that I can have a different outlook of things. I have taught myself to never suppress negative emotions but rather allow myself to feel them as I confront all situations immediately in a healthy manner.
Truly, the renewing self-program is an experience like no other!! It is indescribable and unique for every woman. It is simply refreshing. The marathon class is an option that will toughen one up.
Truly, the renewing self-program is an experience like no other!! It is indescribable and unique for every woman. It is simply refreshing.
It teaches you to be disciplined, committed and never to procrastinate in taking care of your emotional and mental wellbeing.
It is not only for a woman whose time is constricted but it is also for those who do not shy away from a challenge. It is for those who have said enough is enough and are ready to break down the walls around them even if it means there will be blood and tears. So, if you are this woman, or know of this woman take the program and your life will never be the same again!
Renewing Self™ ONLINE program
Renewing Self™ ONLINE program
Alabastron Orchid