Upon being commissioned as guides, it was clear that I will develop and grow along 3 pipelines namely, personal relationship with God, love for women and as human resource for the ministry. Having guided for a full season (31), I have the following to share concerning my personal experience;
My relationship with God: I have never served in a space like what I found in Alabastron. I knew so little about service especially in a place where I had a lot of learning to do and following instructions. My relationship with God got stirred when I went through my RS but I did not quite know how He wanted me to serve. I experienced joy in serving. I enjoyed being in a space where God is worshiped by supporting women. It was involving yes, but through guiding I have grown at work; I have grown in the area of relationship with my immediate and extended family. One of the Guides Mantra of “Showing Up! “, has been my motto in days and places where I did not have the energy to. My relationship with God has grown and I am at a place where I ask myself what next? So how else can I serve? What is clear to me is that; I want to serve as a guide again.
One of the Guides Mantra of “Showing Up! “, has been my motto in days and places where I did not have the energy to. My relationship with God has grown and I am at a place where I ask myself what next?
My love for women: Previously, I had this notion that women are weak and vulnerable, and that all that happened is out of choice and God’s will. Now I know that Women are people of strength and can change their destinies if they choose to.
Human Resource
- I have grown in self- confidence and boldness to be able Stand up for myself even when all is at Odds.
- I have learnt the skill of Listening, not just listening, but listening and bouncing it to God-knowing I may not know all the answers.
- Relationship wise I have grown and now know how and when to communicate.
- I would love to serve again; I would love to Guide or serve the Ministry in any capacity when needed.
- I will maintain contact with the Ministry